PsyD, LP
Dr. Maria Farha Blewster Psy.D., LP
Dr. Farha is a Licensed Psychologist in the states of Kansas and Arizona. She holds a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s degree in Social Work. Dr. Farha is currently focusing exclusively on psychological assessment including but not limited to ADHD, Autism, Bariatric Surgery, Pain Implants, IQ testing, Court Evaluations, and General Psychological Diagnostic Evaluations.
Her work history spans over 20 years of practice in the Phoenix area, and includes providing services for the Maricopa County Department of Psychiatry in Arizona, Arizona State Hospital (forensic and inpatient units), LDS family services, and private practice (Mesa, Arizona), where she has treated children and adults with a variety of mental health diagnosis. Dr. Farha supervised Psychiatric Residents at MIHS Psychiatric Department while in their group therapy training, and was a faculty member for the Child Psychiatry Fellowship where she supervised Child Psychiatry Fellows in their parent therapy training.
While on the faculty of the Child Fellowship/Psychiatry Department she assisted parents of school-aged children who had psychiatric problems and taught a parenting course. She also has Elementary School experience doing assessments for Learning Disabilities, Behavior Problems, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Farha enjoys working with patients to find the right testing/evaluation that works for each patient’s unique situation. She emphasizes the inclusion of parents in the child assessment process and communicates with parents in every step. She is passionate about providing support and education to her patients and their families regarding their psychological diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Maria farha Brewster
Dr. Maria Farha Blewster Psy.D., LP
Dr. Farha is a Licensed Psychologist in the states of Kansas and Arizona. She holds a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s degree in Social Work. Dr. Farha is currently focusing exclusively on psychological assessment including but not limited to ADHD, Autism, Bariatric Surgery, Pain Implants, IQ testing, Court Evaluations, and General Psychological Diagnostic Evaluations.
Her work history spans over 20 years of practice in the Phoenix area, and includes providing services for the Maricopa County Department of Psychiatry in Arizona, Arizona State Hospital (forensic and inpatient units), LDS family services, and private practice (Mesa, Arizona), where she has treated children and adults with a variety of mental health diagnosis. Dr. Farha supervised Psychiatric Residents at MIHS Psychiatric Department while in their group therapy training, and was a faculty member for the Child Psychiatry Fellowship where she supervised Child Psychiatry Fellows in their parent therapy training.
While on the faculty of the Child Fellowship/Psychiatry Department she assisted parents of school-aged children who had psychiatric problems and taught a parenting course. She also has Elementary School experience doing assessments for Learning Disabilities, Behavior Problems, and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dr. Farha enjoys working with patients to find the right testing/evaluation that works for each patient’s unique situation. She emphasizes the inclusion of parents in the child assessment process and communicates with parents in every step. She is passionate about providing support and education to her patients and their families regarding their psychological diagnosis and treatment recommendations.