Mary Suzanne Meeker
My name is Mary Suzanne Meeker. I go by Suzanne as every other generation has gone by their middle name since my great grandmother. I am a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner in adult psychiatric mental health. My specialty is geriatrics. I spent 5 plus years as a Director of Nursing in long-term care and I hold a nursing home Administrator’s license. I obtained a Master of Arts in Gerontology before going to get my Masters of Science in Nursing.
I currently sit on the local Alzheimer’s Advisory Board and am a Board Member for the Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped (KETCH) in Wichita.
My husband and I have been Foster parents along with having three biological children. My husband and I are co-owners in a closed door pharmacy in Wichita that specializes in compliance packaging of medications for long-term care facilities, individual developmentally disabled facilities, juvenile facilities, closed door substance abuse facilities and mental health facilities. It has been a blessing to have had the opportunity to consult in so many diverse fields.

Mary Suzanne Meeker
My name is Mary Suzanne Meeker. I go by Suzanne as every other generation has gone by their middle name since my great grandmother. I am a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner in adult psychiatric mental health. My specialty is geriatrics. I spent 5 plus years as a Director of Nursing in long-term care and I hold a nursing home Administrator’s license. I obtained a Master of Arts in Gerontology before going to get my Masters of Science in Nursing.
I currently sit on the local Alzheimer’s Advisory Board and am a Board Member for the Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped (KETCH) in Wichita.
My husband and I have been Foster parents along with having three biological children. My husband and I are co-owners in a closed door pharmacy in Wichita that specializes in compliance packaging of medications for long-term care facilities, individual developmentally disabled facilities, juvenile facilities, closed door substance abuse facilities and mental health facilities. It has been a blessing to have had the opportunity to consult in so many diverse fields.
Suzanne specializes in:
• Ages 18 +
• Medication Management